两位教授,一位在美国,一位在日本,一位来自台湾,一位来自大陆,是什么让他们站在了世界的舞台上...... 二人の教授は、一人いまアメリカに、もう一人日本にすんでいて、それぞれ台湾と大陸からです。いったいなんのためかれらは世界の舞台にたているのか?
一位记者面对社会如何选择...... What kind of choices the reporter would take when she just stepped into the society......
Three immortals descend to the world from heavens and reincarnate lifetime after lifetime through thousands of years. Amid delusion and tragedies, they struggle to maintain their vows to each other, as royalty, later as peasants, and lastly as modern...